I will share my story a thousand times if it means I can help just one person 💚
I would just like to share with you my story. 28th March 1990 was the day I decided to report sexual, physical abuse at the hands of my birth mother and step dad. After a long day with the police and social services I was placed in a childrens home. This is where my nightmare became bigger, more powerful than i ever could comprehend. I was in a childrens home for 4weeks before it all started. I was raped for the first time at the hands of the care home manager, who i thought was there to protect me. Hand over my mouth so i couldn't scream or breath he then raped me. I remember it clear as day and I can still feel the feelings I felt. For the next 18 months he continued to rape me, each time it got worse, more violent. Each time I felt my soul disintegrate and I was left a shell. I finally got put into a foster home but I was too scared to say anything, I've lived with it every single minute of every single day after. Fast forward 30 years and I found my voice, I found what little courage I had. 28th March 2019 on the exact day 30 years later I reported it to the police, not knowing what would happen i took my courage and jumped a massive leap of faith, the release was immense, it took my breath away, it broke me! It felt like it all happened yesterday! Three Years later and im awaiting the trial. Three years later im healing, Three years later im the strongest i have ever been, Three years later im still alive. I am a warrior I am incredible I AM KAREN 💚
To anyone who is suffering in silence, I'm here for you! In your own time, I'm here. I'm here to end the stigma, I'm here to help others, I'm here to inspire you, I'm here to talk too. I pray you find your strength from somewhere deep within yourself to open up to some one you TRUST! I didnt realise it, but talking really does help!
Thank you to every single one of you who have had my back, who have supported me on the hardest most painful journey of my life, those who have never once doubted me. My gratitude will be eternal I THANK YOU 🙏